We Speak Tech
Shmoop for Admins
We speak admin.
Shmoop is your one-stop shop for...everything: our breadth and depth of materials is unmatched. Shmoop provides equitability and accessibility for all students in elementary, middle, and high school—all for a fraction of the price of anyone else on the market.
Shmoop offers online diagnostics, assessments, credit recovery, test prep, and more. We have hundreds of Test Prep guides, hundreds of Online Courses, and even hundreds of teaching guides for your school or district's teachers. All of our products are aligned to exam, Common Core, or relevant state standards (hi, TEKS!). Click the links below to learn more.
Access Shmoop content in the most convenient and logical place: within your own learning management system. Shmoop has partnered with leading LMS providers (including Moodle, Haiku, and Canvas) to build a seamless experience for teachers and students using LTI-compliant systems. You will love how easy it is to use, and your students will thank you for not making them remember yet another password.
Shmoop is all about data. Our premium analytics tool increases the efficacy of our products and allows you to understand how your teachers and students are using the product. You'll get various metrics including time spent on Shmoop, number of active students, number of student sessions, number of drills taken, number of practice exams taken, number of active teachers, number of teacher sessions, number of pages viewed, number of Math Shack problems completed, number of Math Shack rules mastered, and breakdown of use by test and classroom. And those are just the ones we could say before we ran out of breath.
Customer Service
We pride ourselves on our customer service. Each account is assigned an account manager, who lives and breathes Shmoop and will dedicate themselves to your school or district. They'll offer teacher training, and they'll be at the ready whenever anyone on your end has questions. We also have an easy-to-reach support line for less urgent issues: all messages are answered within 24 hours, Monday-Friday.
Testimonials and Case Studies
By the way, our products actually...work. We've had proven results (increased engagement and higher scores), and we're pretty popular among students and teachers alike. We even have case studies to prove it—fancy stats included. Click into any area below to see how Shmoop has helped schools and districts across the country.
Shmoop by State
Some states like to do their own thing. And we at Shmoop get that—we do our own thing, too. We've got tailor-made resources for a handful of lucky states, so click on your state below for more information.
SAT® is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.
ACT® is a federally registered trademark of ACT, Inc. Shmoop University is not affiliated with or endorsed by ACT, Inc.
AP® is a registered trademark of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse, this product.