Accountant's Letter


The numbers you are about to digest in this 10K, 10Q, Annual Report, Special 8k Filing...have all been reviewed by myself and my bean-counting team of Superheroes. The numbers are clean and good and honest and represent GAAP to the best of our knowledge. So have at 'em. Amen. That's the preamble to a serious financial report, written by the chief bean counter, auditor or other oversight person. Reminiscent of a Ludlum novel opening.

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Finance: What is Hiding Written Complain...2 Views


Finance a la shmoop what is hiding written complaints? all right remember


when you were a kid and your teacher sent home a note to your parents and not [Teacher gives boy a note]


a good one you knew you were in big-time trouble so you know why not just hide


the note what your parents don't see can't hurt you right? while hiding


written complaints on Wall Street is kind of like that if an investment rep


receives a written complaint from a client they are legally obligated to


pass it along to their employer and their boss who has to add it to the reps


[Submarine appears] U4 which is not a military submarine but a form that the rep has to


use when registering with the stay you know for their license hiding written


complaints is illegal and can get the rep in deep you know what and like in


the real world it gets a lot worse than being grounded and you know having your [Person picks up Xbox console]


xbox taken away for a week yeah good luck with that

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