Capital Note


Usually middle C. You know, a musical note, but in all-caps. Like singing the "Do, a deer, a female deer" song...but very loudly. Sam Kinison does Julie Andrews. (And if you don't know who either of those people are, just look them up...we're here to teach.)

Financially speaking, a capital note is a particular kind of corporate debt. It represents an unsecured, short-term note (note here meaning a kind of debt instrument). Being unsecured, the note isn't backed by any assets. It's like your credit card debt. If you hold the note and the company that issued it defaults, there's not much you can do. This fact makes it more risky...but it should lead to a higher interest payment as well.

Also, some capital notes have the option to convert to common stock at a certain time before maturity.

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Finance: What are Debt Service and Debt ...3 Views


Finance, a la shmoop. What is debt service and debt service ratios? Well debt


service is just the interest you pay on debt in a given year. Like you're [Definition written on a 100 dollar bill]


servicing the debt, like think about the oil demanded by a robot in a year she


demands to be serviced and the oil you serve her will you know quench her [Robot drinking oil]


thirst. Well debt service can be easy or it can


be hard, like has 50 million bucks of 6 percent debt costing 3 [The debt service calculation is shown]


million a year to service. Well if had 40 million bucks in [Vault full of money]


cash profits servicing its debt would then be easy and it would have a debt [Someone repeatedly pressing an easy button]


service ratio of 40 over 3 or 13 and 1/3 times coverage. Said another way the odds [The ratio calculation is shown]


that would find itself in a position that it couldn't service


its debt are well very low. But think about the other side of the coin if [Somone about to flip a coin]

00:58 had only 4 million dollars in cash profits well then it's debt


service ratio is 4 over 3 meaning that 75% of its cash flow leaves the company [Money going from to the lenders]


and goes into the coffers of the kindly loving lenders who are nervous about the


company falling into default and going bankrupt which does not make the oil go


down easy... [Robot drinks oil and spits it out]

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