
We’ve done it, you’ve done it: cyberslacking. Cyberslacking is when someone’s at work, using the computer (probably the internet) to slack off. And the work...doesn't get done. Maybe you’re on Reddit, or playing online poker. Maybe you’re a simple solitaire kind of person, or maybe you’re buying another beanie. The one thing all cyberslacking has in common: not working when you're supposed to be.

Fun fact: there are even tools out there to help you cyberslack. For instance, there’s a website that makes Reddit look like you’re actually in your Microsoft Outlook email account. If your boss walks buy and gives you a quick glance, it looks like you’re being a responsible employee, going through your email. But the reality is that you’re scrolling through Reddit, like the true cyberslacker you are.

It’s okay, we all need breaks now and then. Just don't fall into any actual rabbit holes. They can be tough to get out of.

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