
They say public speaking is the most common phobia, even more widely feared than death. (Cue the famous Jerry Seinfeld joke: "at a funeral, most people would rather be in the coffin than delivering the eulogy.") If that's true, then deck will be a terrifying term, like an instrument of torture.

Ok, ok...not that bad. Just imagine the audience naked, right?

A deck is a way of organizing visual aides for a presentation. Think of it like a deck of cards, only the cards are graphs and charts and pictures and inspirational quotes. Also, instead of being physical cards, they are digital cards, projected using some computer program, like PowerPoint. Or SlideShare.

Decks are common in financial circles, as they are often used in pitch meetings...the nearly universal tools of salespeople, brokers, entrepreneurs, and junior employees everywhere.

Find other enlightening terms in Shmoop Finance Genius Bar(f)