Educator Expenses Deduction

Categories: Education, Tax

It's true: teachers are having to use their own money to buy stuff for their classrooms in the US.

If you think that's messed up, wait 'til you hear about the fact that the US government totally recognizes this, and decides to do something about it...via the educator expenses deduction.

With the educator expenses deduction, teachers (and counselors, principals, etc.) can deduct up to $250 of out-of-pocket expenses that they spent on the kids (unless you're homeschooling; no educator expenses deduction for you). No, that doesn't mean they get any of that money back; it just means they won't be taxed on that money.


One good thing about the educator expenses deduction is that it's not a part of itemized deductions. Which means educators can claim either the itemized or standard deductions and still take the education expenses deduction. So there's that.

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