Night Cycle
Categories: Company Management
Sounds like an especially dark series of Batman comics. Alhough the title in that case should probably be The Knight Cycle.
Actually, the night cycle has to do with electronic money transfers. Specifically, wires sent through the Automated Clearing House, or ACH, process. Basically, this system facilitates small-scale electronic wire transfers. You can pay bills with it, or if you need $1,000 transferred to your checking account so you can make bail, the ACH is there to help you out.
These ACH transfers get processed at two different points during the day. There's the day cycle, which happens during business hours (8 am to 1 pm EST), and there's the night cycle, which sees the money move overnight. Electronic transfers during the night cycle (or during the "nighttime window," if you want to sound creepy about it) take place between 10 pm and 1:30 am EST.