Overseas Private Investment Corporation - OPIC

More! Bigger! That’s how it works here in America. For more investment, and bigger (think: global) investment, the U.S. government made OPIC, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

OPIC’s main thing is offering loans in places that’ll bite, particularly in emerging markets and places with room for growth. OPIC and businesses, many of them small businesses, fund overseas projects together. OPIC often goes where risk-averse businesses wouldn’t dare, filling in those economic gaps.

Since OPIC is part of the U.S. government, its goals are aligned with U.S. foreign policy. Besides being used as international leverage, all OPIC is thinking about is how to help U.S. companies get in on international emerging markets. To keep investors from getting nervous about potential political happenings in overseas investments, OPIC even offers political risk insurance to say “guys, everything’s chill.” So, OPIC helps lower the risk factor for businesses.

Another cool thing about OPIC is their impact investing, aiming to create positive social outcomes. Besides paying attention to social impacts, OPIC also abides by strict human rights and environmental standards. All this stuff makes OPIC projects sustainable AF.

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