Qstick Indicator

Categories: Metrics, Trading

Tushar Chande likes things to be organized. And labeled. And quantifiable. That’s why he created the Qstick Indicator.

The Qstick Indicator, or the Quick Stick, is a way to quantify trends in candlestick charts. The Qstick indicator uses moving averages of the difference between opening and closing prices. This kind of calculation shows if pressure’s been growing like a tea kettle about to blow...or not.

When the Qstick Indicator surpasses zero, it’s time to buy; the bulls are making a run for it (up the hill). When it’s below zero, time to sit pretty.

The Qstick Indicator, unlike many candlestick chart tools, is versatile. Yep, just like the magic of Q-tips. As long as there’s a simple moving average of some kind with negative/zero/positive showing different trends, it’s useful.

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