Soft Sell
Categories: Banking
Well, you know the hard sell. Some guy on TV screaming at the top of his lungs that he "can't believe this timeshare condo is selling for so cheap! You MUST come down and see it...NOW!!!" That's the hard sell.
So...the soft? Think of a few dozen rich people, dressing dressy, meandering through an art collection at an estate sale hosted by Sotheby's. Quiet mutterings. And one erudite, exceptionally well-dressed fellow saunters by mumbling, "Myyyyy...I bet this Matisse goes for 40 mil, maybe more." And you think that's odd, because the projections for the final bid were half that number.
That's the soft sell approach. Whispers, not screams. Suggestions, not orders. Gentility, not SCREAMINGINYOURFACEBUYBUYBUY!!!