Stop-Loss Order


Categories: Trading

See: Stop Order. Same thing.

In essence, you're stopping a loss by "selling now, Mortimer, now..."

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Finance a la shmoop what is a limit order? you want to sell a thousand shares


of Colonel electric it was demoted after they cut their dividend the shares have [Scissors cuts dividend in half]


been trading wildly between $15 and $25 a share you don't want to feel like a


moron for having sold them at fifteen bucks when six weeks later they kissed


25 with tongue so what do you do well you put in a limit order that is you put


a limit of a minimum price of 25 bucks a share for Colonel Electric such that [Pile of stocks appear]


those shares will simply sit in your account unsold maybe forever until


somebody out in the wild blue yonder of Stockland is willing to pay twenty five [Woman standing at a colonel electric stand]


dollars or more for the shares where you have a minimum price limit of 25 bucks a


share in your order so here's to hoping they sell and don't get further demoted [Man carries stock into car]


Sargent Electric is just a place you don't want to go

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