Web 2.0
Back in the ‘90s, the internet was kind of a different animal than it is today. By and large, people hopped on the web to get information, but they didn’t really give information back. In other words, the information superhighway really only had lanes going in one direction: to the user.
Enter Web 2.0. Web 2.0 refers to the internet’s shift from being relatively read-only to something we can all contribute to and create. And we’re not just talking about Facebook and Instagram, though social media is a big component of Web 2.0. We’re also talking about editable sites, like Wikipedia. We’re talking about comment threads and customizable web portals, blogs and podcasts, and yes, even those quizzes we take that tell us which type of omelet we are. Anything involving user-created content and dynamic interaction is part of the world wide Web 2.0.