"Man Proposes, God Disposes"
- Mortals can devise whatever plans they want, but, says the author, God is the one who determines what happens in the end.
- Continuing on this theme, this chapter begins by going through some of the ways in which God rules over humans—knowing all their innermost thoughts and desires, and creating everything for a purpose.
- The author excoriates pride and the unwillingness to trust in God, but has nice things to say about loyalty and faithfulness.
- Again, the author points out that human beings make plans, but God is the one who actually directs their steps.
A Tribute to Gray Hair
- The author also talks about how great and just a good king is, remarking also on how God appreciates fairness in judgment.
- To some degree, the book seems to assume that kings will be just: unrighteousness is an abomination to them. Avoid their wrath, but bask in the glow of a cheerful, happy king's mood.
- Famously, "Pride comes before the fall": the proverbs make this point again, this time in its most well-known version.
- Again, it's better to be poor and not proud, than proud and not poor.
- If you speak pleasantly, people will be more persuaded—and persuasiveness is something the wise possess. Such pleasant words are sweet, like honey.
- In contrast, the words of scoundrels set fire to things.
- Having an appetite or being hungry spurs you to work harder.
- Also, in line with the Proverbs' love for all things elderly, the author praises gray hair as indicating special life wisdom.
- Again, the author repeats the same point as at the beginning: life is like casting lots, but the decision on where they actually fall lies in God's hands.