When authors refer to other great works, people, and events, it’s usually not accidental. Put on your super-sleuth hat and figure out why.
Literary and Philosophical References
- Lord Byron (1.1)
- Minerva (2.5)
- Moliere (2.5)
- King Solomon (9.8)
- Kali (11.9; 12.12)
- Ucaf Uddaul (12.6)
- Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma (14.17)
- Long Noses of the god Tingou (23.13, 23.18-20)
- Abraham (27.10)
- Amphion's lyre (29.4)
Historical References
- Leotard (1.11)
- Blondin (1.11)
- Madame Tussaud (2.1)
- Angelica Kauffmann (2.2)
- Vicvarcarma (12.7)
- Lord Cornwallis (14.17)
- Treaty of Nanking (19.1)
- P.T. Barnum (23.10)
- The General Grant (24.5)
- Abraham Lincoln (26.3)
- Brigham Young (27.7)
- Joseph Smith (27.9)
Historic/Special Places
- Suez Canal (6.1)
- Pere la Chaise (8.3)
- Champs-Elysées (8.3)
- The Bridge of Tears (9.6)
- The Union Pacific Railroad (26.1)
- The Great Salt Lake (27.15)