...Baby One More Time Images

...Baby One More Time Cover

Clearly, the record execs were pandering to a teen audience.

Mickey Mouse Club Britney

We can see why those who grew up seeing Britney as a goofy-looking child talent might have had a hard time with her sudden transition to sexy tween.

Britney and Justin

Both international sensations at a young age, it was natch that they stumbled together. You live, you learn.


Britney's pigtails and fluffy writing pen in the "...Baby One More Time" video further play up her youth and innocence.

1999 Rolling Stone Cover

A lot of people were scandalized that the photographer in question got the seventeen-year-old to take off her clothes in bed for a photo shoot. Britney claims she came out of that one unscathed.

Britney Spears Grows Up

The slightly baby-faced teen look is gone these days, with "femme fatale" taking a full-time front seat.