The Butter-Up Band
- You might be starting to notice a pattern. Once again, Grandpa was one-upped by VanItch. That's just how these things go. Kind of like shampoo: rinse and repeat.
- Yep, there's no stopping in an arms race, but this time the band's shown up.
- As Grandpa returns home in defeat, his spirits are raised by the Butter-Up Band and the Right-Side-Up Song Girls.
- Everyone's stoked. Yook pride is high, even though Grandpa was bested.
- It's all about team spirit as the Right-Side-Up Song Girls sing, "Oh, be faithful! / Believe in thy butter!" (122-23).
- It's a good day to be a Yook, and this pride isn't picky. It spreads like butter—from the pride in new weapons all the way to how Yooks butter their bread.