Cloud Atlas Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Cloud Atlas? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Sonmi-451's fight for fabricant rights contributes most to which of the following themes?

Literature and writing
Cruelty in the fast food industry
Q. Which of the following is the predominant theme in The Ghastly Ordeal of Timothy Cavendish?

Old age
Medical malpractice
Q. Which of the following sections in Cloud Atlas has "truth" as the predominant theme?

The Journal of Adam Ewing
Letters from Zedelghem
Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery
I Know This Much is True
Q. Which of the following sections in Cloud Atlas has "man and the natural world" as the predominant theme?

Sloosha's Crossin'An' Ev'rythin' After
Letters from Zedelghem
Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery
Religion and the Decline of Magic
Q. The reincarnation aspect of Cloud Atlas relies heavily on which of the following themes?

Memory and the Past
Old Age
New Age