- Celie visits Harpo and Sofia. She is so different now that Mr.__ doesn’t even recognize her when she passes by the house.
- Sofia and Harpo argue about women pallbearers at Sofia’s mother’s funeral. Harpo thinks it’s silly and inappropriate, but Sofia says she’s going to be a pallbearer no matter what.
- Celie knocks and Harpo and Sofia let her in.
- They discuss Mary Agnes, who is now a regular singer at several clubs in Memphis.
- Harpo says that Mary Agnes has changed, "Her mind wander. She talk like she drunk." Apparently, Mary Agnes has been smoking a lot of reefer with Grady.
- Grady grows, smokes, and sells weed.
- Little miss innocent Celie introduces Sofia and Harpo to weed and they all get stoned together. Damn, has she changed.
- At the funeral, Sofia and her sisters do serve as pallbearers.