Die Hard Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Die Hard? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. When McClane says "Welcome to the party, Pal," whom is he addressing?

Sergeant Al Powell
Sergeant Al Pal
Q. What does Holly call Hans Gruber when she realizes what he's really up to?

"nothing but a common thief"
"a world class butt face"
"handsome as heck"
"a sleaze bag"
Q. Who says, "I've got a hundred people down here, and they're covered with glass"?

Sergeant Al Powell
Special Agent Johnson
John McClane
Deputy Chief of Police Dwayne T. Robinson
Q. What is John McClane's response to Hans's guess that he's a security guard?

"Go jump in a lake."
"Nice try."
"Sorry Hans, wrong guess."
Q. What term of endearment does Ellis use when he's trying to convince Gruber he can bring him John McClane?

Boss Man