Here we don't need to fuss with the decimals too much.
Divide as usual. You'll need to add zero place-holders (in orange).
Transfer the decimal directly up from the dividend to the quotient (answer).
Since we will continue to get 3's, we can place a repeating bar over the 3.
Move the decimal in 0.5 to the right one place. It now becomes 05, or just plain 5.
To compensate, also move the decimal in the dividend one place to the right. It now becomes 3126.3
Divide as usual. You will need to add zero place-holders.
Move the decimal in 1.25 to the right two places. It now becomes 125.
To compensate, also move the decimal in the dividend two places to the right (you will need to add in zero place-holders). It now becomes 1200.
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