John Singer Timeline and Summary


John Singer Timeline and Summary

  • Singer leads a not-too-shabby life with his BFF Antonapoulos, until Anton is taken away to a mental institution.
  • A lonely Singer rents a room at the Kellys' boarding house and starts eating his meals at the New York Café.
  • Singer draws the attention of a lot of people around town since he's so quiet. (Seems anti-intuitive, but you know, he's an interesting guy.)
  • He befriends a drunk Jake Blount and lets him crash on his sofa. He also gains three other frequent visitors: Mick, Copeland, and Biff.
  • Singer goes to visit Antonapoulos over the summer and is happy to be with his friend. After he returns, he resumes his wandering and is visited often by his four friends.
  • In the fall, he serves as a pallbearer for Alice Brannon's funeral.
  • Singer starts dreaming of Antonapoulos and grows increasingly depressed without him. We get depressed, too, just reading this.
  • At Christmas, Singer attends Doctor Copeland's Christmas party. He buys gifts for all his friends and a radio for everyone to enjoy. Nice guy.
  • One restless night, he writes Antonapoulos a letter explaining how confusing his friends are; he doesn't mail it, though.
  • Singer gets upset when his four visitors arrive at the same time one day and are pretty rude to each other.
  • He goes to visit Antonapoulos again that winter and discovers that Antonapoulos is sick. While he's there, he gives him a movie projector for Christmas.
  • Later, Singer helps the Kellys locate Bubber after he runs away; he also helps to calm Bubber down. Is this guy a hypnotist or something?
  • In the spring, he takes Jake over to Copeland's house to visit Willie and leaves Jake there to talk to Copeland.
  • In the summer, Singer goes to visit Antonapoulos once more and learns that his friend has died. Ugh, ugh, ugh.
  • After learning about his friend's death, Singer commits suicide.
  • (And if that's not enough for you, he also leaves behind a lot of financial debt.)