The Mechanical Man
Hugo's obsessed with it. His father tried to fix it, and Georges Méliès made it. From the beginning of the book right until the end, this object is the center of these folks' universe because it...
The Key
The only thing he needed was the key. The original key had been lost in the fire, and all the other keys he found around the station and in the windup toys from the booth didn’t fit. But when he...
The Man on the Moon
No, we’re not talking about our good friends Buzz and Neil. We're talking about the picture that the automaton draws and the movie that it’s from—A Trip to the Moon. There’s a reason the au...
When Papa Georges falls ill after discovering the kids and the box of drawings, Hugo has a very odd and surreal dream that’s filled with images of clocks (I2.3.2-6). There are all these clocks fl...