Lena Lingard Timeline and Summary


Lena Lingard Timeline and Summary

  • Lena shows up at the Harlings' house where Ántonia is working. She's in town working for the dressmaker.
  • It's not long before the back-story comes out. Lena caused trouble out in the country when Ole fell in love with her and his wife found out.
  • Jim runs into Lena at the town drugstore helping her brother to buy Christmas presents for her family. She misses home.
  • Lena parties at Blind D'Arnault's performance alone with Tiny and Ántonia.
  • Lena is one of the attractions at the town dances. She flirts with Jim, much to Ántonia's dismay.
  • Lena shows up at Jim's apartment during his sophomore year in college. The two of them start dating. They go to plays together, including Camille, which has a profound effect on both of them.
  • We learn that two other men are also in love with Lena, her neighbor and her landlord.
  • When Jim leaves in order to focus on his studies, Lena does not try to stop him. She tells him that she doesn't know why she started this romantic thing with him, other than the fact that Ántonia told her not to. They part ways.
  • Later, we learn that Lena became a successful dressmaker in San Francisco working for the now wealthy Tiny Soderball.