Norse Creation Myth Photos

    Norse Creation Myth Photos

      Ymir Drinks Milk from the Primeval Cow
      Ymir’s early life is the subject of this painting by an 18th-century artist. [Painting by Nicolai Abraham Abilgård.]

      Slaying of Ymir
      Odin, Vili, and Vé slay Ymir in this drawing. [Illustration by Lorenz Frølich, late 1800s-early 1900s.]

      Creation of the World
      In this illustration, Odin and his brothers are creating the world from Ymir’s body. [Illustration by Lorenz Frølich, late 1800s-early 1900s.]

      Odin in a Manuscript
      Odin looks a little funny here, but even so, he still seems commanding. [Illustration from a 17th-century Icelandic manuscript.]

      Odin's Beard
      Check out Odin's Dumbledore-ish beard. [Illustration from 1893 Swedish version of the Poetic Edda.]