What is the distance between B and G?
The distance formula is .
The distance between B and G is about 13.3 units.
Is B the midpoint of AC?
Does B satisfy the midpoint formula for A and C?
No, B is not the midpoint of A and C.
What is the distance between A and F?
The distance formula will be your best friend.
The distance between A and F is about 11.2 units.
Is D the midpoint of CH?
Are the coordinates of D the averages of the coordinates of the other two?
Yes, D is the midpoint of CH.
How far away is E from the midpoint of BH?
Time to use both midpoint and distance formulas. Or is it?
The midpoint of BH is (0, 3.5), and E is 7.5 units away from it.
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