Roxanne Video & Audio

Live Aid '85

Sting performs Roxanne solo at the Live Aid: Feed the World concert in 1985

2007 Grammy Awards

The Police reunited for a tour and kicked it off with a stellar performance of "Roxanne" at the Grammys in 2007.

The Police 2007—Opening Night

Assorted footage from their reunion tour, including interviews and snippets from some of the songs they performed.

Sting Interview

A candid English interviewer asks him questions about the opposite sex, his start as a musician, and more.

Stewart Copeland Interview

Copeland speaks with Good Morning America about some of his adventures.

Cover of "Roxanne"

George Michael covers the band's first hit. Which version do you prefer?

"Roxanne" Music Video

Shot simply on a soundstage with red lights, this video captures the youthful enthusiasm of the musicians behind the song.


A video of the balcony scene from the original Cyrano de Bergerac. The cavalier with the huge nose at his best.