- A little parade moves through the town. Will is being told: left, right – for his feet. Jim is doing the same. The Dwarf, the Skeleton, and Mr. Dark round out the group.
- Will whines at such a high pitch within his body that only dogs can hear.
- Will calls for them to bark.
- The parade passes Mr. Tetley at the United Cigar Store. The boys are directed to say hello.
- Mr. Dark says that if Mr. Cooger doesn't make it, he's offering Jim full partnership. He offers to age Jim to about 22 or 25.
- As for Will, Mr. Dark plans to turn him to a tiny baby and give him to the Dwarf as a plaything. The carnival can keep Will artificially young for the next 50 years or so.
- Will probably screams internally, because the dogs with them flee down the street.
- The little parade then runs into a policeman the boys know personally. Mr. Dark tells them to say hello. They say hello. He tells them to say they got free rides at the carnival. They say they got free rides at the carnival.
- Creepy. Mr. Dark directs his entourage out of the town and to the carnival.