The West Statistics
By the Numbers
Number of homesteads claimed under the 1862 Homestead Act: 372,659
Share of Homestead Act homesteaders who lasted five years and received title to the land: 1/36
Acres of public land granted to railroad companies to subsidize construction: 125 million7
Acres of public land distributed to the states under the Morrill Act to finance agricultural and technical colleges: over 100 million8
Miles of railroad track in America in 1865: 35,000
Miles of railroad track in America in 1900: 242,0009
Number of females over ten years of age in Wyoming when the territorial legislature extends full voting rights to women: 1049
Women as a percentage of Wyoming's total population: 1710
United States population increase between 1860 and 1880: 60%
California population increase between 1860 and 1880: 127%
Colorado population increase between 1860 and 1880: 466%
Nevada population increase between 1860 and 1880: 808%
Nebraska population increase between 1860 and 1880: 1468%11