We Real Cool Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (line)

Quote #1

We real cool. (line 1)

If that isn't pride we don't know what is. But what kind of pride? Arrogance? Cockiness? Self-assurance? Maybe their pride even makes the reader more inclined to empathize with them.

Quote #2

Strike straight. (lines 3-4)

Their ability to hit a round ball into another round ball and get that second round ball into a pocket appears to be one of their best skills. Can you think of other meanings for "strike straight" that don't involve pool? What do these words suggest to you?

Quote #3


Sing sin. (lines 4-5)

Walt Whitman was the ultimate poet of self-confidence, and he even had the gumption to say he celebrated himself. The pool players use one of Whitman's favorite words – to "sing" – but they are singing "sin" instead of themselves. Could their praise of sin be the result of a lack of self-confidence, rather than an excess of it?