C.R.E.A.M. Video & Audio
Wu Tang Clan, "Triumph" (1997)
This hilarious music video brought to you by the director of X-Men: Standoff combines 1990s film effects, Kung fu and sci-fi movie influences, and the sharp lyricism of a slew of Wu-Tang members into a six minutes worth watching.
Wu Tang Clan, "C.R.E.A.M." (1994)
This more serious video presents the Wu-Tang Clan as a successful street enterprise of some kind, struggling to get by but eventually pulling in bags of money—kind of a condensed version of the real Wu-Tang story.
"Wu Tang Financial" (2003)
This goofy skit from the Dave Chappelle show features RZA and GZA, Wu-Tang's financial brains, instructing various old white people on the fiscal ways of the Wu.