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AP Computer Science 3.3 Standard Data Structures 177 Views
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APCS: Standard Data Structures Drill 3, Problem 3. Which of the following is not true?
- 00:00
Thank you We sneak And here's your shmoop du jour
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brought to you by the defense for later for thousand
- 00:09
excess ah high quality lie detector products All right which
- 00:14
of the following is not true Your choices Treating thinking
- 00:19
possibly very and all right let's go Okay so we're
Full Transcript
- 00:22
presented here with four truth and a lot it's up
- 00:26
to us to find the odd one out Not just
- 00:28
us So we've also got the shmoop thief ibra later
- 00:30
for thousand excess maybe detective fib three hundred feet away
- 00:34
and you have a meter concrete all while brewing a
- 00:37
very respectable cup of espresso This question is the perfect
- 00:40
opportunity to take her for a world let's Start at
- 00:42
the top with option a The maximum index of an
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array within elements is and minus one True Well say
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you've gotten array with eight elements Indexing begins it zero
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soto work with the eighth element you'd refer to index
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seven option a is not our answer Let's try b
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If an array is passed into a method is a
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parameter its contents can be altered thing alright also true
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when passing certain types of variables to a method they
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can be passed by Value which is to say a
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copy of the value is given to the method and
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the original is left behind with a raise their past
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by reference meaning their reference point in the computer's memory
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is passed and the original rake and the altar Okay
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well how about option c Well there's no limit to
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the number of dimensions than an array drew well hopefully
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true job a language spec says there's no limit to
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how many dimensions and array can have but in practice
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the job a virtual machine doesn't support more than two
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hundred fifty five dimensions But if you're getting that deep
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into data crunching you'll probably encounter other stags long or
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you hit that limit option d when anna reyes passed
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into a method is a parameter a copy of it
- 01:54
is made it no he is the opposite of statement
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be and of course totally falls Coffee's air made of
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some kinds of data when being passed the methods but
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not in the case of a raise and rounding us
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out option isa's an array cannot contain two different data
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types Well true Typical arrays are limited to one type
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of data you can Have multiple types of data in
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a ray list Inger strings floats whatever but you'll need
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to keep track of what's what and convert between data
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types and it's a whole can of worms That means
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the's are answer and we usually close these things with 00:02:27.848 --> [endTime] pretty good gag No very real
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