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The Bible
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In the beginning, God created Shmoop. How else could we have been there to give you this first-hand account of everything that went down back then?
This is the part of the bible where Jesus has super alchemy powers and turns water to wine and stops people from getting stoned. You know, normal s...
We're a little more interested in who Luke's father is ourselves...but we guess Luke is pretty important too. Check out this video to see what he c...
This part of the bible features the son of the main villain in 300, Xerxes. Apparently that movie was based on some real people. Who knew?
Today we're going to tell you all about the letter to the Hebrews. Hint: It wasn't a "Dear John" letter. That story's covered in 2 Corinthians.
The first part of the Bible chronicles the senseless evils of...census conducting. Yes, really. Check out the video to learn more.
This is the section of the Bible where Solomon is granted a wish by God...but what will it be? Check out the video to find out.
Turns out the New Testament is full of letters about how to be a good person, and the dangers of false teachers, and being a good person, and false...
Basically, don't worship a volleyball. Even if that volleyball happens to be your only friend. He's useless, it's time to move on.
Moses supposes his toeses are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously... He's walked up Mount Sinai twice with those toeses, and trust us, they don't...
Paul's letters to the Ephesians and Colossians included all kinds of great stuff about loving Jesus and being kind and compassionate... The stuff a...
Time to learn about 2 Samuel. And before you send that angry email, we know Taylor Swift wasn't in The Bible. Shame, too. It's rife with song possi...
Remember the disciples? Get ready for some rebranding and meet the apostles.