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PSAT 1.1 Math Narrative Walkthrough. In how many hours will James and Steve meet?
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Hurry And here's your shmoop du jour Brought to you
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by rowboats Someone asked us if we preferred rowing with
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one paddle or two And we just told them either
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or Yeah James starts from 1 end of lake Not
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i got a lot of water and begins rolling across
Full Transcript
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the lake at a constant rate of four miles an
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hour On the other side of the lake steve starts
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thirty minutes after james and rose towards james at five
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miles per hour The lake is fifteen point five miles
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wide In how many hours will james and steve meet
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around the answer to the nearest hundredth of an hour
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And here the potential answers All right Not a got
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a lot of water Yeah sorry We've just been considering
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possible baby names lately and that was one of them
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Okay so poor james and steve they desperately want to
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hang out but unfortunately there's this great big lake in
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between them it's a lake so they could just walk
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or drive around it But apparently they prefer to hop
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into their respective rowboats and get there the hard way
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on mainly to help us out with this word problem
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so well more power to him We're told the speed
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or rate at which each boat is travelling as well
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as the total width of the lake And how much
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of a late start steve got putting it all together
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How do we figure out when they draw alongside one
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another or uh had a head on collision depending on
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their aim Okay so for each hour he rose james
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goes for miles and steve goes five What we don't
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know is how long it took for these two to
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meet so let's call the time each person rose up
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until that point x well james will have been rowing
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for four x miles while steve who was dilly dallying
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for thirty minutes before shoving off will have road five
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times the quantity x minus point five to represent the
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half hour we need to subtract from his time combined
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We know they will have covered fifteen point five total
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miles And all of this is assuming that neither of
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them takes a detour near the hugely popular floating wendy's
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Big extra fries are awesome All right now we can
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just add our two fellas distances together and set them
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equaled a fifteen point five So for x plus five
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times the quantity x minus point five equals fifteen point
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five that's the magic equation while multiplying crew about a
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bit in the middle we get four x plus five
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x minus two point five equals fifteen point five at
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which point we can add together like terms and add
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two point five to both sides tow wind up with
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nine x equals eighteen while divide both sides by nine
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and x equals exactly two We didn't even need a
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round to the nearest hundred There's a question asked you
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know a curveball trigger there Nice try buddy Uh we
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weren't born yesterday Okay so yeah ideas are answer And
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how do we feel about the name Hundreds one hundred 00:02:57.575 --> [endTime] similar that works well Moving on
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