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Finance and Economics Videos

Finance: How Are Risks and Rewards Related?

How are risk and reward related? Take more risk, expect more reward. A lottery ticket might be worth a billion dollars, but if the odds are one in ten billion that you win, then it's a bad bet, ten times over.

Principles of Finance Videos 156 videos

Principles of Finance: Unit 1, Alex, That’s Finance Potpourri for $500

Okay, so you want to be a company financial manager. It's basically up to you to make money for the shareholders. It would also be swell if you mad...

Principles of Finance: Unit 1, Company Formation, Structure, Inception

How is a company... born? Can it be performed via C-section? Is there a midwife present? Do its parents get in a fight over what to name it? In thi...

Principles of Finance: Unit 1, Income Statements: Margin, Operating Profits, and More

What is an income statement, and why do we need it in our lives? Well, let's take a look at an income statement for Year 1 of the Sauce Company, an...

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Terms and Concepts Videos 799 videos

Finance: How Are Risks and Rewards Related?

How are risk and reward related? Take more risk, expect more reward. A lottery ticket might be worth a billion dollars, but if the odds are one in...

Finance: How Do Credit Card Companies Work?

How do credit card companies work? Credit card companies are, in a way, lenders. They give consumers a rectangular piece of plastic that allows the...

Finance: How Do Some Accountants "Cook the Books"?

How do some accountants “cook the books”? Cooking the books refers to accountants making company’s financials look much better than they are....

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