Physical Danger

Physical Danger

For the most part, you'll be spending your time in an office setting. So, you know, be careful of those paper cuts, because they can be a doozy. But seriously, you'll be doing a lot of work while sitting at a computer, so things like eye-strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and serious office drama are very real dangers. 

Make sure to give yourself plenty of breaks (especially for food―fatigue from forgetting to eat is real) and definitely don't engage in the water cooler gossip. Everyone already knows that Engineering is the most fun department, so office rivalries matter not.

Don't underestimate the paper cut, though. They're the worst. (Source)

Outside of the minor dangers that await your daily life as a cubicle dweller, you may go to work sites every once in a while to check out your designs. But you likely won't be out enough to worry much about "work site injuries." You'll be shown around by the site workers and told of whatever progress is being made and problems that have arisen, but you probably won't be working in any of the dangerous areas. Of course, anything could just probably won't happen to you (source).