Guide Mentor


Guide Mentor

Character Role Analysis


Anyone who has played Zelda II knows that the hardest fight is the one against yourself. As we've said, Amélie is her own worst enemy, but unlike the Hero of Time, Amélie doesn't have to do battle against herself all by her lonesome.

Enter Dufayel, the "glass man" who wants Amélie to succeed. He has to stay in his own apartment because he has hollow bones like a bird. Amélie has no such excuse, so he carefully guides her—using his Renoir painting as a metaphor—to be courageous and independent. Most of all, he wants her to get out of her apartment—and out of her own head—and live. Then she can visit and tell him all about it.

Dufayel is a natural mentor. He also teaches Lucien to paint and helps him get out all his frustration toward his awful boss, Collignon. He's an art teacher and a life coach all rolled into one.