Atlas Shrugged True or False

1. What else did Ayn Rand write? -> The Fountainhead
2. Rand was born in 1905 and went through which Revolution? -> American
3. Atlas Shrugged has seen a surge of popularity lately as a result of -> Rand's book tour
4. A character from which series said Atlas Shrugged ruined reading for him? -> South Park
5. Dagny often thinks about finding -> A new career
6. Galt's Atlantis could be a gigantic ad for -> Bergdorf Goodman
7. Looters generally look -> Ugly
8. The thug-like Cuffy Meigs sports a -> Crew cut
9. Indecisive and whiny James is described as -> Flabby
10. Why do Lillian and James have sex? -> Petty revenge
