Key quotes from Blade Runner
Identity Quotes
TYRELL: She's beginning to suspect, I think. DECKARD: I don't get it, Tyrell. How can it not know what it is?
Memory Quotes
DECKARD: You ever tell anyone that? Your mother, Tyrell? They're implants. Those aren't your memories, they're somebody else's. They're Tyrell's niece's. Okay, bad joke, I'm sorry... No, really, I...
Mortality Quotes
DECKARD: I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life, anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers...
Society and Class Quotes
DECKARD: "Skin jobs." That's what Bryant called Replicants. In history books he's the kind of cop who used to call black men "n*****s."
Technology and Modernization Quotes
TYRELL: Commerce is our goal here at Tyrell. "More human than human" is our motto.