Brave New World Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Part.Paragraph)

Quote #13

Sarojini apologized and slid into her place between Jim Bokanovsky and Herbert Bakunin. The group was now complete, the solidarity circle perfect and without flaw. Man, woman, man, in a ring of endless alternation round the table. Twelve of them ready to be made one, waiting to come together, to be fused, to lose their twelve separate identities in a larger being.


"Ford, we are twelve; oh, make us one,
Like drops within the Social River,
Oh, make us now together run
As swiftly as thy shining Flivver." (5.2.11-6)

It's hard to get more explicit than the lyrics of this song. In fact, it's so explicit that we'll just let it speak for itself as far as notions of identity go.

Quote #14

"In a crowd," he grumbled. "As usual." He remained obstinately gloomy the whole afternoon; wouldn't talk to Lenina's friends (of whom they met dozens in the ice-cream soma bar between the wrestling bouts); and in spite of his misery absolutely refused to take the half-gramme raspberry sundae which she pressed upon him. "I'd rather be myself," he said. "Myself and nasty. Not somebody else, however jolly." (6.1.11)

Bernard highlights one of the key powers of soma—the ability to strip an individual of what little personal identity he has left.

Quote #15

"That'll teach him," he said to himself. But he was mistaken. For Bernard left the room with a swagger, exulting, as he banged the door behind him, in the thought that he stood alone, embattled against the order of things; elated by the intoxicating consciousness of his individual significance and importance. Even the thought of persecution left him undismayed, was rather tonic than depressing. He felt strong enough to meet and overcome affliction, strong enough to face even Iceland. And this confidence was the greater for his not for a moment really believing that he would be called upon to face anything at all. People simply weren't transferred for things like that. Iceland was just a threat. A most stimulating and life-giving threat. Walking along the corridor, he actually whistled. (6.2.11)

For John, individuality lies in his knowledge of Shakespeare. For Helmholtz, it is in his writing. For Bernard, however, it lies in rebellion against authority. Unfortunately, Bernard ends up being a weakling.