Cat on a Hot Tin Roof Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Page.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used the New Directions edition of the play, published in 1971.

Quote #7

Uh—huh. Expecting death made me blind. I didn't have no idea that a son of mine was turning into a drunkard under my nose. (II.99.816-818)

Death's momentary release of Big Daddy gives Big Daddy perspective. Big Daddy's flirtation with death makes him want to hunt down the truth.

Quote #8

Think of all the lies I got to put up with! Ain't that mendacity? Having to pretend stuff you don't think or feel or have any idea of? Having for instance to act like I care for Big Mama!—I haven't been able to stand the sight, sound, or smell of that woman for forty years now!—even when I laid her! (II.108.996-1002)

Big Daddy is successful and wealthy, but his success and wealth are constructed out of the lies he tells Brick.

Quote #9

No!—It was too rare to be normal, any true thing between two people is too rare to be normal. (II.121.1271-1272)

The only true relationship in the play is a memory and no longer exists. Normal, accepted relationships are those built upon lies.