The Cell Cycle, Cellular Growth, and Cancer True or False

1. G0 is -> a special "resting" phase
2. What step is unique to prophase I? -> The sister chromatids pair.
3. What is the mitotic spindle made of? -> Microtubules
4. A diploid organism has 8 chromosomes in G1. How many chromosomes will each of its offspring cells have after meiosis? -> 8
5. When do the sister chromatids separate in meiosis? -> Meiosis II
6. What type of cell in the human body is a good example of a haploid cell? -> Sperm
7. What part of a chromosome do microtubules attach to? -> The centromere
8. Which of the following is a critical regulator of cell cycle progression? -> Cyclin-dependent protein kinases (Cdks)
9. Which of the following proteins appear in some stages of the cell cycle and are degraded at other stages? -> Cyclins
10. In a healthy human being, which philosophy best describes a cell's life? -> Survival of the fittest
