Cymbeline, King of Britain Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #1

To your so infinite loss, so in our trifles
I still win of you. For my sake wear this.
It is a manacle of love. I'll place it
Upon this fairest prisoner. (1.1.141-144)

When Posthumus and Imogen exchange love tokens, he's got a lot to say about love. Check out the way he describes the bracelet as a "manacle" or handcuff: it's almost like he's trying to trap Imogen with it and prevent her from ever escaping him and his love. Maybe he's already feeling insecure.

Quote #2

It is your fault that I have loved Posthumus:
You bred him as my playfellow, and he is
A man worth any woman, overbuys me
Almost the sum he pays. (1.1.175-178)

Imogen says it's her dad's fault that she loves Posthumus. Sure, we can see that, especially considering that Cymbeline helped Posthumus out by giving him a good life and plenty of access to his daughter. Imogen might be on the money, or she could just be blowing off steam. Either way, why does growing up with Posthumus make Imogen love him? What does this tell us about love?

Quote #3

Hark, hark, the lark at heaven's gate sings,
   And Phoebus 'gins arise, 
His steeds to water at those springs
   On chaliced flowers that lies;
And winking Mary-buds begin
   To ope their golden eyes.
With every thing that pretty is,
   My lady sweet, arise,
Arise, arise.

Who doesn't love to be serenaded? Imogen, evidently. Say what you want about Cloten, but he really tries to be a cool guy with the princess. The thing is, he just doesn't get it: he can show his love—if it's really love—all he wants, but Imogen isn't going to love him. Burn.