Interview with Icarus

Interview with Icarus

Shmoop investigators recently discovered that Daedalus actually invented Twitter (not the gods of ancient Greece, as was originally believed). As it turns out, Daedalus was testing out more technology than just wings when he and Icarus made their fateful flight. Read on for more.

Icarus's Twitter Account

Angelboy Icarus
In case anybody was wondering... yes, it sucks to be in jail. #ihatejuvey

Nutty_Proffessor_2001 Daedalus
You could have it worse.

Bornwithhorns Asterion, the Minotaur
Yeah, you could be trapped in the Labyrinth for your whole life, and then have some jerk stab you in the neck with a sword. #notcool

Angelboy Icarus
Day... like... one billion locked in this tower. Wish dad had let Ariadne and Theseus figure out the whole Minotaur thing on their own. Don't actually see why I'm locked up, too. What did I do? #untilprovenguilty

Troubled_by_BULLS King Minos
Theseus stole my daughter! You must suffer with your father for his crimes.

Angelboy Icarus
Yeah, you are beyond dramatic, dude.

Angelboy Icarus
Yeah, kind of wish Dad-alus wasn't cramming the whole cell with feathers. #living with parents

Troubled_by_BULLS King Minos
Feathers?! Where did you get feathers?!

Nutty_Proffessor_2001 Daedalus
Just plucking them from the birds outside. These straw mattresses are completely uncivilized.

Angelboy Icarus

Troubled_by_BULLS King Minos
Where did you go?! You won't escape me!

Angelboy Icarus
In case anybody was wondering... no, flying does not suck at all. It's AMAZING! Sometimes the Dad-alus really comes through. How awesome is this? The clouds all around. The birds fluttering by. The sea glistening down below. The sun shining overhead. #lovinglife

Nutty_Proffessor_2001 Daedalus
Remember what I told you. Not too close to the sun, nor too close to the sea.

Angelboy Icarus
Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Angelboy Icarus
How long does it take to fly to the sun? Does anybody know? Wow, it's so amazing isn't it? How does Apollo pull the whole big thing across the sky like that?

Nutty_Proffessor_2001 Daedalus
Icarus, you're too high. Come down immediately. And stop tweeting while you fly!

Troubled_by_BULLS King Minos
Your father is just trying to control you, Icarus. It's time for you to be your own man. #revenge

Bornwithhorns Asterion, the Minotaur
Parents suck. Do what you want to do.

Angelboy Icarus
Not so sure I should be listening to you guys, but man is the sun wonderful. So bright. So warm. Maybe I could go just a little bit closer...


Angelboy Icarus
I can totally see Apollo's horses! They are so awesome. OMG! Wait a minute... is that melting wax? OMG, my feathers! Hasdjf;lakwjfHE'kjfhkjfhsHEL dkjfhsdHELkjfhsldkfdkfslkHEEELP.......

Nutty_Proffessor_2001 Daedalus
My beautiful boy...