The Importance of Being Earnest True or False

1. Who said, "But why does your aunt call you her uncle? 'From little Cecily, with her fondest love to her dear Uncle Jack.' There is no objection, I admit, to an aunt being a small aunt, but why an aunt, no matter what her size may be, should call her own nephew her uncle, I can't quite make out. Besides, your name isn't Jack at all; it is Ernest"? -> Algernon
2. Who said, "It is ... very painful for me to be forced to speak the truth. It is the first time in my life that I have ever been reduced to such a painful position, and I am really quite inexperienced in doing anything of the kind"? -> Jack
3. Who said, "My nephew, you seem to be displaying signs of triviality"? -> Cecily
4. Who said, "I love hearing my relations abused. It is the only thing that makes me put up with them at all"? -> Algernon
5. Who said, "Then I was christened! That is settled. Now, what name was I given? Let me know the worst"? -> Algernon
