Julie of the Wolves Resources


Jean Craighead George (Is Awesome)

The author of Julie of the Wolves has written over a hundred books for children. Take a peek at her website, where you can read about her life and works.

Alaska's Indigenous People

At the Alaskan Native Heritage Center's website, you can learn all about the different native Alaskan cultures, including the Yupik Eskimos.

Everything You Need to Know About Wolves and Then Some

This awesome website is jam packed with information about wolves, their habitats, and their outlook for the future.

Historical Documents

An Old School Book Review

Here's the original New York Times review of Julie of the Wolves. Two thumbs up.


Let's have a chat with some wolves, shall we?

Here's the trailer for a National Geographic program called <em>A Man Among Wolves</em>. Although it's only a few minutes long, the trailer gives you a good idea of how it's possible for a human to actually talk to wolves. The program itself is also on YouTube, chopped up into segments.

A Brief Profile of Jean Craighead George

Seriously, friends, she is one cool lady. Check out this brief profile of her, put together by Open Road Media. In the video, she talks a bit about how she came to write Julie of the Wolves.


Read, then Listen

Check out the audiobook version of Julie of the Wolves. Does it do the book justice?

Make Some Noise!

Here's a compilation of a ton of different sounds wolves make, from howling, to whimpering, to barking and beyond. Cool stuff, if a little eerie.


Our Author, All Parka-ed Up

This is probably what Miyax was wearing out there in the cold, too.

Wide Open Spaces

This pic of the Alaskan tundra gives you an idea of just how easy it would be to get lost up there.

Tornait's Close Up

Here's a shot of a golden plover, so you can get a better idea of what our buddy Tornait looks like.

Caribou Crossing

And here's a pic of a caribou. Those antlers look pretty darn scary.

Cover Girl

Do you think this does Miyax justice? Is this how you pictured her?