Lord of Light True or False

1. Who says, "Sam was the greatest charlatan in the memory of god or man. He was also the worthiest opponent Trimurti ever faced"? -> Ratri
2. Who says, "Their individual names are now kept secret, after the manner of the gods, so that they seem as impersonal as the Great Wheel, which they claim to represent"? -> Jan Olvegg
3. Who asks of Sam, "Then lift your curse, Binder, and I will depart this very day. I will give you back this cloak of flesh. I long again for the cold, clean winds of the heights! Will you free me now?" -> Sam (technically… kind of)
4. Who says, "And if you fall? What then of the world, and of the cause you have championed? Will you be able to rise again to defend it?" -> Lord Kubera
5. Who says, "I agree with everything you said to Yama, and so do the followers of the one they called the Buddha. I don't recall any longer whether I was really that one, or whether it was another. But I am gone away from that one now"? -> Sam
