Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Love in the Time of Cholera.
Love Quotes
The lesson was not interrupted, but the girl raised her eyes to see who was passing by the window, and that casual glance was the beginning of a cataclysm of love that still had not ended half a ce...
Death Quotes
Dr. Juvenal Urbino studied him for a moment, his heart aching as it rarely had in the long years of his futile struggle against death. (1.3)
Loyalty Quotes
Dr. Urbino's tongue burned with the live coal of the secret […] And he felt redeemed by his own loyalty to the woman he had repudiated five hours earlier. (1.102)
Marriage Quotes
They had just celebrated their golden wedding anniversary, and they were not capable of living for even an instant without the other, or without thinking about the other, and that capacity diminish...
Old Age Quotes
When he had just turned forty, he had gone to the doctor because of vague pains in various parts of his body. After many tests, the doctor had said: "It's age." He had returned ho...
Sex Quotes
She often said to him: "I adore you because you made me a whore." Said in another way, she was right. Florentino Ariza had stripped her of the virginity of a conventional marriage...
Literature and Writing Quotes
Florentino Ariza wrote every night. Letter by letter, he had no mercy as he poisoned himself with the smoke from the palm oil lamps in the back room of the notions shop, and his letters becam...