Marcelo in the Real World Resources
Get the lowdown on Marcelo straight from the horse's mouth (by which we mean the author, not the horses at Paterson).
Arthur A. Levine Books has compiled Marcelo's reviews and awards all in one place, for those of us who like to avoid endless googling.
Marcelo says that his condition most closely resembles Asperger's Syndrome. Here's the lowdown on what that is.
Articles & Interviews
In this interview with Martin Wilson Writes, Francisco X. Stork clues us in on where Marcelo's unique voice came from.
In which Francisco X. Stork gets excited about being compared to a certain classic YA author. You'll just have to click to find out who.
Stork talks about Marcelo with a Dutch reporter from Uphill Battle. Don't worry; they start speaking English after the intro.
Stork joins authors Bernardo Atxaga, Randa Jarrar, and Roger Sedarat, for a special PEN American Center program for high school students. Grab a snack—it's long, but fascinating.
Get your Marcelo fix on MP3 or CD (does anyone actually listen to those things anymore?).
Check out this weird but wonderful cartoon based on the book.
The author poses for a photo with Laura, a 7th grader who's on a mission to read all the Newbery Medal winners.