The Metamorphosis Character Quotes
MoreThe Metamorphosis Character Quotes
Gregor Samsa Quotes
Peter Parker's Less Fortunate CousinLet's take a look at two ordinary young men. Both of them are hardly chick magnets. Neither of them is particularly witty, rich, or hunky—in fact, they're kind...
Grete Samsa Quotes
A Totally Different Kind of MetamorphosisThe first time Grete, Gregor's sister, appears in the story, we don't see her. Like the other family members, she's just a voice behind a wall, trying to ge...
Mr. Samsa Quotes
Daddy IssuesMr. Samsa, Gregor's father, looms as a domineering figure in the novel. With Gregor incapacitated, Mr. Samsa can no longer malinger as a helpless invalid, and he resumes his place as he...
Mrs. Samsa Quotes
Mrs. Samsa is the sympathetic yin to Mr. Samsa's domineering yang. She's constantly proclaiming her maternal love for her poor, poor son Gregor—she even throws herself on Mr. Samsa to beg for Gre...
The Middle Boarder Quotes
The middle boarder appears to be the leader of the three boarders who room at the Samsas' home. He's called the middle boarder because he stands in the middle when he first speaks, but oddly enough...
The Office Manager Quotes
The office manager makes a brief appearance in the beginning of the story. He's really only in the story so that we can hear some of the rumors about Gregor's misbehavior and his possible misuse of...