Metaphors Resources


Plath on

Biography, poetry, and more. It's a great place to start if you're going down the Plath rabbit hole on the World Wide Web.

Scholars on Sylvia

For a studious, academic approach to the poet, check out Modern American Poetry's offerings.

Site for Sylvia

This one's got it all—a detailed bio, info on her writings, and even a collection of photographs.


"Sylvia Plath"

Crooner Ryan Adams has a thing or two to sing about your new favorite poet.


We must admit: it's strange to hear this one in a dude's voice.


Plath reads "Fever 103"

We couldn't find "Metaphors" in her voice (if you do, let us know!), but hopefully this one will satisfy your craving. The creepy video should help.

Sylvia, The Movie

Check out the opening scene of her biopic, starring Gwyneth Paltrow, whose voice is, sadly, nothing like Sylvia's.

Voices and Visions: Sylvia Plath

Here are the first scenes in Voices and Visions's take on Sylvia. Click on through for the rest of the documentary.


Sylvia Plath and Hubby

Here she is with Ted Hughes. Their marriage was not exactly hearts and roses.

Clacking Away

Remember the days of the typewriter? Yeah, we don't either.


The Collected Poems

Plath's poems, in chronological order, to satisfy all your cravings for disturbing imagery and the female perspective.

Crossing the Water

See "Metaphors" in its native habitat.

Movies & TV

Sylvia, 2003

Paltrow sure looks the part, doesn't she?